two words in the title literally means:
Molecular Dynamics tells you about a pattern or history of growth,
change and development of molecules in any environment.
is a computational method which allows one to understand time
dependent movement of atoms and molecules. These movements of
molecules are predicted based on the Newton's law of motion. The
resulting forces on these atoms and molecules and their potential
energy are defined with the help of different molecular mechanics
force fields.
Force fields consists of defined parameters like bond length, bond
angles, torsions, Vander Waal forces etc. These force fields are
specific for the kind of molecules treated. Thus, the force fields
vary in nature depending on the parameters included and the type of
target molecules. So, it is always advisable to understand the limits
of force field you are planning to employ for your system.
Dynamics has applications in almost all fields of Science. Under the
domain of Chemistry/ Biology, it is mostly applied in Material
Science and Biological systems
Molecular Dynamics is based on Newton's laws of motion, the movement
of atoms or molecules treated by MD are recorded in terms of atomic
positions, velocities and acceleration. With the help of statistical
mechanics, the information obtained at atomic level like atomic
position, velocity etc can be used to determine thermodynamic
properties of interest at macroscopic level like pressure, energy
statistical mechanics provides a bridge in the form of non-trivial
mathematical equations connecting the thermodynamic properties to the
movement of atoms and molecules.
Dynamics method thus provides a way to deal with movement of atoms
and molecules following equations of motion thereby allowing one to
solve these complex mathematical equations and yielding thermodynamic
properties. In doing so, it requires the base of an ergodic
hypothesis which states that “ The statistical ensemble averages
are equal to time averages of the system.
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