So, working with Material Studio is awesome. You get to handle bigger, complicated and even unimaginable system. But I am facing problems in very minute functioning. I recently faced two problems, but managed to resolve on my own. Somehow, tutorials doesn't help in resolving them and you end up doing some exercise on your own to get the solution. Among these, the problem of bringing two molecular structures in one window and then adjusting one molecule by moving it around, while other structure remains untouched, as it is. Actually, this should not be a problem to do. There is a simple way of doing this. Select the molecule to be moved and then there is a symbol (button) to select, which allows you to selectively move that molecule only. This is the same way it can be done in Material studio too. But among all the dozens of symbols, the new person handling MS, kind of gets lost. So, what he does is check the tutorials, for any help. But the tutorials don't talk about suc...
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